CMCT Operational Development Solutions, LLC.

Reestablished in 2017, CMCT Operational Development Solutions, LLC. is a professional, fully-insured firearms and tactics training entity. The instructors and support personnel who teach with us have an unparalleled passion for all skills within the tactical community, and more importantly, they have real-world experience! From firearms, medical emergencies and situational awareness, to wilderness survival, CQB and rappel operations, CMCT ODS is your one-stop solution for dedicated and proven training techniques.

We believe in realistic training. Period.

Our courses are specifically designed to test each student, under duress. Through the rigors of stress inoculation training techniques, our training programs ensure that each course graduate has an above-average understanding and competency level with each skill set they are taught. Our courses are not for the faint of heart. Students should be highly self-motivated and in good physical condition before attempting our challenges.

Teamwork and problem solving under stress are our foundation.

If you are looking for a “no BS”, professional training environment, this is the place for you. Please reach out and inquire about any of our available training programs.


Thomas Wehrle

President / Lead Instructor

Thomas “Tommy” Wehrle has been in law enforcement since 2000.  He is a full-time SWAT officer with a law enforcement agency in central Maryland and currently serves as their Counter-Sniper Team Leader. Tommy has a passion for all jobs within the tactical community; however, his true love is laying prone behind a precision rifle. Throughout his career, Tommy has trained hundreds of personnel from all branches of the military, and worked with dozens of major law enforcement entities across our nation to include, the FBI, CIA, DIA, Homeland Security and the United States Secret Service. He is frequently consulted by those entities regarding best practices for various skill sets such as CQB, sniper operations, active shooter response, tactical firearms training and tactical rappel /rescue operations. Tommy routinely speaks at SWAT/Tactical conferences across the country.

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What People Are Saying


Tommy is a top notch instructor full of skilled tradecrafts, knowledge and real world experience. All of his programs are operated with range/student safety at the highest regard. Tommy has a phenomenal ability for teaching and is able to breakdown the information and material in ways that students from any background/skill level are able to understand and retain it. Out of the dozens of classes/ trainings I have received during my career, Tommy's classes/training courses rank among the best.

— Dan E.

Delaware State Police Special Operations

Over the years, I've had training in several firearms disciplines to include: long-range rifle, carbine, and  pistol. I've had a few different instructors and, while they were all good, Tommy rises above the rest. I've lost count of the times I've taken a class with him and continue to inquire about his course offerings...  Do yourself a favor and train with Tommy. You'll walk away with new skills, have fun doing it, and gain a friend. You wont regret it!

— Ken Y.

Precision Rifle Shooter